market share V.S. share of wallet

Share of Wallet (SOW) is a survey method used in performance management that helps managers understand the amount of business a company gets from specific customers.
Another common definition is the following: Share of Wallet is the percentage ("share") of a customer's expenses ("of wallet") for a product that goes to the firm selling the product. Different firms fight over the share they have of a customer's wallet, all trying to get as much as possible. Typically, these different firms don't sell the same but rather ancillary or complementary products

“市場佔有率market share”V.S.“客戶的荷包佔有率share of wallet”,理念有著本質的不同。


*義大利經濟學家維弗雷多·帕列托(Vilfredo Pareto)在1906年對義大利20%的人口擁有80%的財產的觀察而得出的,後來管理學思想家約瑟夫·朱蘭(Joseph M. Juran)和其他人把它概括為帕列托法則(Pareto Principle)。